
1. Power converters and devices

- New technologies and future trends,
- Wide-band devices (GaN, SiC, etc.) and drivers,
- Development, realization, and application of rectifiers, inverters, choppers, and other converters,
- Converters for DC and AC power supplies (DC/DC, UPS...), chargers for Accu-batteries, maintenance, etc.,
- Multilevel converters, and MMC,
- Analysis, modeling, and simulation of converters,
- Converters in development.

1. Power Converters and devices

• New technologies and future trends,
• Wide-band devices (GaN, SiC, etc.) and drivers,
• Development, realization, and application of rectifiers, inverters, choppers, and other converters,
• Converters for DC and AC power supplies (DC/DC, UPS...), chargers for Accu-batteries, maintenance, etc.,
• Multilevel converters, and MMC,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation of converters,
• Converters in development.

2. Automotive and Industrial Electrical drives

• Development and realization of electrical drives,
• Drives for electrical vehicles and traction,
• Multi-motor drives,
• Analysis, modeling and simulation of drives,
• Industrial drives applications,
• Electric vehicles drive systems, control and management.
• Electrical vehicles (EV): drives and e-traction,
• Battery chargers, G2V, V2G, and V2V systems,
• Batteries for EVs, and battery management system,
• Industrial electrical drives, multi-motor drives,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation of drives.

3. Electrical machines

• Electronic transformers, and SST,
• Analysis, modeling, and simulation,
• Construction, protection, supervision, and diagnostics,
• Testing, exploitation, and repair.

4. Advanced Control Systems and Measurement

• Digital control of power electronics converters and systems,
• Electronic measurement systems and sensors,
• Control of industrial processes,
• Computer application (CAD, CAM…),
• Communication systems, supervision, and diagnostics,
• Modeling, simulation, estimation, and identification.

5. Smart Power Electronics, Smart Grids, and Energy Storage

• Artificial intelligence in power electronics,
• Deep learning applications,
• Application of power electronics in Smart Grids and Low-inertia grids, Microgrids, and “Energy islands”,
• Energy storage systems,
• Condition monitoring and predictive maintenance,
• Power electronics control structures in microgrids,
• Self-aware and self-adaptable power electronics systems,
• Power Electronics for the Smart Grids and Industry 4.0,
• Role of power electronics in microgrids, hybrid grids, and distributed energy sources.

6. Power quality

• Power electronic converters and power quality,
• Electromagnetic compatibility, EMI, ecology,
• Active filters, FACTS, DVRs, STATCOMs, and UPQCS,
• Power quality characterizations and classification systems.

7. Renewable & distributed energy sources

• Power electronics application in renewables (RES) and hybrid systems,
• Power electronics devices in wind and solar plants,
• Interaction of power electronics and grids,
• “Clean” energy sources, and multi-energy transformations.